The ForumVes “Marghera Green&Blue” project was presented in Mestre Mia as part of a cycle of meetings for reflections and insights on the challenges for Mestre posed by the medium-term sustainable development objectives. The meeting, attended by Stefano Soriani and Alessandro Calzavara, was moderated by Andrea Biliotti of Mestre Mia, and was broadcast in live streaming on 06/12/22. The recording can be seen here:
The mission of the “Mestre Mia” Association consists in the conception and implementation of initiatives and events useful for spreading knowledge of the history of Mestre (cultural milestone deemed necessary to strengthen the identity and stimulate the sociality of its inhabitants) and to enhance the peculiarities and the potential of Mestre as a distinct city reality, albeit integrated with Venice and synergistic with it. To visit the Association’s website (of great interest) the link is